
Earth Friendly Hospitality

Owner-operated importer of the world’s finest eco-friendly bamboo products.

We have a passion to provide renewable products to the world. Our vision is to help minimize the world’s carbon footprint while providing a warm and welcoming display.

We specialize in supplying the finest restaurants, hotels, caterers, and gourmet stores around the country.

We have chosen specific manufacturers to partner with who take great pride in the outstanding quality of their products. Our products are manufactured according to responsible business practices and intense quality control.

We can save the world one fork at a time with your help!

Why go green?

You’ve probably noticed that green is everywhere these days—in the news, politics, fashion, and even technology. You can hardly escape it on the Internet, and now with the Planet Green TV network, you can even enjoy eco-friendly entertainment 24 hours a day. What does going green mean?

Going green is about living in harmony with the Earth by making choices in your daily life that support the health of the environment and reduce harm to our planet. It is a choice we make to take care of Earth (our home), just as we would take care of our health, our children, and our families.

Going green is always the right thing to do for our future and our environment. There are many important reasons to make your business green. The most significant reason, however, is that preserving the world’s natural resources is the responsibility of every individual.

The shift can be incremental. It can be taken in small, actionable steps. No matter how you do it, it will always be impactful. Join us in going green in a big way, stand out to clients, and make a big difference.